The American
Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing – this isn’t news, every one
of us is told from early childhood that flossing is important no matter the order.
But we recommend that you floss before brushing your teeth in the morning and
at night.
The reasons for this are quite simple. First, flossing before
you brush means you are more likely to actually do it, because it’s pretty easy
to decide NOT to floss while you’re brushing. The second reason is that
flossing after you brush isn’t quite as effective for preventing plaque buildup
between your teeth.
One thing flossing does is release bacteria that hides between
your teeth. When you floss first, you release that bacteria and then follow up
by brushing it all away. But if you brush your teeth first and then release all
of that bacteria in to your mouth by flossing, you are just creating a petri
dish of bacteria growth that will be harder for your toothbrush to keep up with
later on down the road.
Studio City Dental Center urges our patients and community to
heed this advice. Studies have found that only 15 percent of people who brush
their teeth daily actually take the time to floss. This is something we have
been taught by our dentists since we were young, but most people don’t think
about all of the bacteria that ends up between our teeth because we can’t see
it. What we can see, though, is gingivitis and
more than likely cavities, which is what happens when you don’t floss first
and brush properly afterwards!
The ADA did a survey to get an idea of the number of people that
brush their teeth before flossing, and the numbers are in. Fifty-three percent
of Americans brush their teeth first which leaves 47 percent of the flossing
population giving themselves that extra boost of oral hygiene. There are some
arguments that say either way is alright as long as you are thorough, but don’t
you want to get the best out of the time you are already spending on it every
day? All you would have to do is switch up your routine a little and you will
spend less time and money in the future on your pearly whites.
So, floss or brush first? The answer is up to you. The most
important piece of information we can give you is to floss no matter what.
There are numerous advantages to flossing, regardless of the order in which you
do it. But to optimize your oral health, we say floss first!
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