Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Is Chewing Gum Harmful to my Teeth?

Growing up, a lot of us had parents who insisted that chewing gum was harmful to our teeth. In some cases this is true; however, recent studies have shown that sugar free gum can have positive effects on your dental health.
Think about plaque. Plaque is bacteria living in the mouth caused by various foods, such as those with sugars and starches. These bacteria will produce acids that will eventually destroy tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.
How does chewing sugarless gum help? Quite simply, the process of chewing gum increases the saliva production in your mouth, which in turn washes away food particles and neutralizes the effects of the acids formed by the plaque as the PH of the bacteria rises.
A European Union scientific study in May 2012 provided evidence of the following benefits of chewing sugar free gum:
- Maintenance of tooth mineralization
- Neutralization of plaque acids
- Reduction of dry mouth
They found that sugarless chewing gum with carbamide (hydrogen peroxide) neutralizes plaque better than gum without carbamide.
Ingredients such as Calcium, Vitamin C, and Xylitol can provide additional benefits.
Additional studies have shown that sugar-free gum sweetened with Xyitol inhibits the growth of a certain type of bacteria called Streptococcus, which causes cavities. Xyitol causes the bacteria to lose the ability to attach to the tooth. The type of bacteria in your mouth will change over a period of time with the frequent use of Xyitol.
While it has been scientifically proven that chewing sugarless gum provides many benefits to your oral health, it should never replace your daily routine of brushing and flossing. Together with flossing and brushing, the use of sugarless chewing gum should result in fewer cavities.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us! We are your dentist in Studio City, CA, and we care about our patients’ concerns!
Source URL: http://studiocitydentalcenter.com/chewing-gum-harmful-teeth/

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly (Simple Tips)

Do you know how to brush your teeth properly? Most people don’t. Toothpaste and a toothbrush may be involved, but that’s where doing it right typically stops.
Many adults swipe the toothbrush around the mouth for a few seconds and rinse, often neglecting certain areas or specific teeth out of simple absent-mindedness. It’s not intentional; it just may be from not having been taught how to properly do it.
So then, how should you brush? Follow these best practices…
The Right Brush
Using the right type of toothbrush is more important than you think. A soft-bristled brush with rounded ends effectively removes plaque and food particles while adequately stimulating the gums. Your toothbrush should be small enough to reach your back teeth comfortably.
Make sure it’s in good condition. If you don’t replace your toothbrush regularly, you could be brushing ineffectively. Splayed bristles can damage the gums and inadequately remove plaque. Replace your toothbrush every three months, or as soon as it looks worn.
The Right Technique
Use short strokes to gently brush every tooth surface, making sure that you reach all the way to your molars. Hold the toothbrush vertically to reach behind the front teeth on the top and bottom. Don’t forget to brush along the gum line. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle where the teeth meet the gums, and gently wiggle it using small circular motions.
Be careful, brushing too hard can cause your gums to recede.
Before rinsing, brush your tongue to remove bacteria that leads to bad breath.
How Long Should You Brush For?
Most dentists agree that you should brush for two to three minutes. That can feel like forever. Set a timer to ensure that you’re giving yourself enough time.
If you want to make sure that your teeth are in the best condition, schedule a consultation with Dr. Zareh Kouyoumdjian, a cosmetic dentist in Studio City. We’ll provide a thorough cleaning and show you how to take care of your mouth to remain healthy and stay smiling!